Saluki Breed Information and Buying advice


Are You Looking to Buy or Adopt a Saluki?

Quick Saluki Facts

Average Size of Adult
Large (4/5)
Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy
Grooming Requirement
Low (1/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Low (1/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Average Life Span
10-12 years (4/8)
Exercise Requirements
Puppy Puppy Puppy

Why Salukis are great

Salukis are known for their pairing of noble elegance and gracefulness with lightning speed and extreme hunting abilities. They make gorgeous family companions whilst also never shying away from a job or activity. They make a great choice for those who love the outdoors as much as they do, whilst also enjoying downtime in a relaxing atmosphere. Some highlights:
  1. Salukis are extremely loyal and devoted to their owners, more commonly to one person rather than the entire family
  2. They are very intelligent and loves obedience and agility training, always looking for another job to do
  3. They don’t require much grooming and do not shed a lot

Things to consider when looking at Salukis for Sale

Whilst Saluki’s make extremely loved family companions, they are not the best choice for first-time owners. Their intelligence causes them to often have a stubborn character, which makes them notoriously difficult to train. Owners must have adequate patience, time and understanding throughout their lives, being firm yet positive in their approach. This regularly requires experience in order to get the best outcome. Some downsides to the Saluki:
  1. Due to the strong bonds, these dogs form with their family they tend to have a high level of separation anxiety that causes them to not be able to be alone for long periods of time.
  2. Salukis have a very high prey drive and should not be trusted when being let off the lead in an open area with smaller animals and wildlife. This is important as they will most likely ignore their owner’s commands for them to return away from the prey and continue the hunt.
  3. This breed also has a high exercise need, requiring lots of physical activity in order for them to be at their calmest and kindest. It is recommended that they are taken to a secure open area at least twice a week on top of their daily walks. to allow them to really run free, letting off the built-up energy throughout the week.

History of Salukis

Even though the actual origins of the Salukis remain unknown, they are thought to be one of the most ancient dog breeds to be domesticated by humans, with beliefs that they trace back to ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece and the Middle East. They were named after an ancient town that no longer exists name Seleukia and were bred as desert dogs living with Nomadic Tribes, used to hunt Gazelle and Hare in hot and dry climates. Interestingly, the culture many years ago viewed dogs as being ‘unclean’, yet the Saluki was allowed to share the tents with the Nomads, and began to be termed ‘El Hor’, translated as the ‘Noble One’. On top of this, they were known as the Royal Dog of Egypt, with mummified remains being found in the tombs of Pharaohs in Egypt. As they were so well regarded, it was forbidden for them to be cross-bred, and therefore their appearance and temperament is believed to have remained the same since the beginning of this breed. They were first introduced to the UK in 1840, and have increased in numbers drastically since, making them one of the most popular breeds in the UK today.  


How big is the Saluki?

This breed usually grows to around 58 – 71cm at the shoulder for both genders.  

How heavy is a Saluki?

As Salukis are large dogs, they tend to weigh around 18-27kg at full size.  

What Colour is the Saluki?

This breed can come in many colours, including Black, Tan, Fawn, Chocolate, Red, White, Gold, Cream, and Silver. These can be found as singular block colours or a mixture of a few at once. Their variety of colour makes these dogs look even more unique and regal.  


Do Salukis make good guard dogs?

Salukis are extremely friendly dogs, not typically making natural watchdogs. It is very rare to see this breed show aggression to other dogs or people, tending to be shy and timid around strangers, keeping their distance before coming up to them. Therefore, if you are looking for a breed to act as your guard dog, the Saluki is not right for you.  

Do Salukis bark a lot?

Fortunately, Salukis are a quiet breed, not known for their barking tendencies. They are extremely friendly yet sensitive, reacting to raised voices and negative energy, causing them to be upset when their owners are as well. This is when they may make a noise, expressing their likes and dislikes for their owners to notice and understand.  

Are Salukis easy to train?

Salukis are renown for their stubborn and difficult nature, making them very difficult to train. They require an owner who will be able to patiently control the highly-strung personality that can make them sensitive and possibly hyperactive, ignoring any attempt at training. However, they are an intelligent breed and are aware of what is being asked of them, they just simply don’t want to do it.  

Are Salukis playful?

Salukis are extremely playful and adore having fun with both children and adults. Playing and showing attention can help form a respectful relationship and strong bond with your Saluki, which helps in the future with their obedience and understanding of what they are being asked. They adore being part of the family and will never show any aggression towards anyone, not even the children.  

Are Salukis good with other pets?

If Salukis are introduced to other family pets from a very early age, they will be able to live harmoniously with them. However, this breed’s prey drive is insanely high and will cause them to chase after a smaller animal suddenly out of instinct. It is very important to be careful when letting your Saluki off the lead in case they see something that they want to chase. No matter how obedient they may be, their instincts will take over and they will quickly run off.  

Can I leave a Saluki Alone?

Salukis form extremely strong bonds with their family, and usually one member in particular. This means that when they are left alone, they suffer from a high level of separation anxiety, and they can often become destructive as a way to deal with their stress. Salukis require large amounts of mental stimulation as well as physical to keep their minds occupied and distract them from the fact that they are bored.  

Do Salukis like water?

Salukis love to swim used to training in water in the Middle East to tone up their muscles in order to stay fit. However, if you get a dog that doesn’t enjoy water, it is important not to force them to go in, as this could scare them even further.  


How long do Salukis live?

Typically, Salukis live up to around 12 – 14 years.  

How much exercise does a Saluki need?

Salukis require a very large amount of exercise, needing at least 2 hours each day. They are fantastic running partners and help families to get out and be more active. It is important that this breed gets enough exercise, otherwise, they will become bored and unhappy, often becoming destructive as a result of being overly hyper inside the house. Letting them off the lead in a large open area regularly throughout the week will help to control this. Salukis are natural runners, being skilled at running insanely fast and then suddenly turning on the spot to face the other direction. They are able to expend their energy very quickly once let off the lead, so it is always advised to keep an eye on them in case they run off.  

What are Salukis Common health issues?

Salukis are at more of a risk of being born with Congenital Deafness, so it is important that all dogs are tested for this disease before being used for breeding. Other than this, Salukis have been found to have a number of various health issues, including:
  • Heart Issues
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Cancer
  • Bloat
  • Sunburn
In the past, Salukis have also been known to suffer with ‘Early or Sudden Death’, which is when a dog suddenly dies for no apparent reason under the age of 5 years. It becomes clear after they have passed that they were suffering from an autoimmune disease, but no sign was obvious for the owners to take action.  


How much space do I need for a Saluki?

Even though Salukis love to feel like they are a member of the family, they also require their own space. Owners often use a crate for this, or an area for their bed so they feel they have somewhere they are able to go to without interruption from their family or other animals. This breed does not thrive in small spaces and would not be a good choice for apartment living. Having access to an open yard or garden where they can release some energy themselves is very important.  

How much grooming do Salukis need?

Salukis have a very silky short coat. Their grooming requirements are low, but daily brushes are recommended to keep them free of tangles. This breed does shed throughout the year, but not to a great extent that you find dog hair on every bit of fabric that you own. They are prone to sunburn on their noses and often other parts of their body that has less fur covering it, so sun cream should be used as well as moisturiser to keep their skin from burning too much.  

Average costs

How much does it cost to keep a Saluki?

As a rough guide in pricing: Cost to buy: roughly £400 - £800 for a well-bred Saluki puppy Other costs (Vet, Food etc): £70 - £100 per month  

Specific Buying Guide

You can read our general buying guide here (/advice-on-buying-a-puppy/), with the most important thing being going to view your Saluki Puppy, seeing it with its mother, and checking the quality of the breeder. More specifically, here is some Saluki puppy buying advice:
  1. Salukis can be quite highly strung and occasionally neurotic. This means they are more sensitive than other breeds and must be handled calmly and positively, otherwise they struggle to fulfil their role as a perfect companion. Owners must be able to monitor their energy levels with enough exercise whilst also keeping them calm. A quiet and tranquil atmosphere is required for Salukis to thrive as family companions.
  2. Due to the Saluki’s popularity, there are often scams online using this breed. Scams can be spotted by looking at the listing price, which is normally lower than any other advert, making the potential buyer think they’ve found a bargain. However, it is very important that no money should go to the breeder before you have been to see the puppies yourself. This removes any chance of scams and also gives you a chance to check the legality of the breeder.

Other reading, Adopting Saluki Puppies and Rescue Organisations