Miniature Pinscher Breed Information and Buying advice

Miniature Pinscher

Are You Looking to Buy or Adopt a Miniature Pinscher?

Quick Miniature Pinscher Facts

Average Size of Adult
Small (2/5)
Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy
Grooming Requirement
Low (1/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Average Life Span
14-16 years (6/8)
Exercise Requirements
Puppy Puppy Puppy

Why Miniature Pinscher puppies are great

The Miniature Pinscher is known as the 'king of toys' for its small, but perfectly formed compact look and confident attitude. You can find them in colours such as red, tan, or black. Originally bred to be a helpful dog on farms and in households, they were known as expert rat and vermin hunters. Today they are still loyal companions and make a great addition to many homes. You can expect lots of fun from the boisterous bundles of energy, as well as a comforting lap dog when you need it. Some highlights:
  1. They're intelligent dogs, so perfect for training
  2. The smooth coats mean grooming is low maintenance, a regular brush will suffice
  3. They're an athletic breed so do well with households that love daily exercise
  4. The assertive nature makes Miniature Pinschers great watchdogs, so you can count on them to keep an eye or ear out

Things to consider when looking at Miniature Pinscher puppies for Sale

These lively dogs aren't for everyone, as there are certain things to consider before buying. Some downsides to the Miniature Pinscher:
  1. Miniature Pinschers are suspicious of strangers, so proper training is essential to avoid aggressive behaviour
  2. They are strong-willed and known as escape artists, so not ideal for first-time owners
  3. As they are curious about the world you can expect lots of barking, which can become a nuisance

History of Miniature Pinschers

Miniature Pinschers are believed to come from the ancient German Pinscher family, like many other breeds recognised today. They were originally named the Reh Pinscher after the small red 'roe' deer found in German forests. Thanks to its distinctive look, many people mistakenly believe the Miniature Pinschers are descendants from the Doberman. In fact, there is a separate Miniature Doberman breed that is larger and heavier. In 1836 a German writer stated that Miniature Pinschers, in fact, come from Dachshunds and Italian Greyhounds. The Miniature Pinscher is best known for being a good ratter, with some believing its name comes from its ability to 'pincer' or 'pincher' rats thanks to sharp, fast movements. It was originally bred to keep rat populations down on farms, being a handy working dog.  


A Miniature Pinscher has a distinctive short, smooth coat that comes in a variety of colour combinations. They are compact and sturdy, with well-balanced proportions. The hackney gait is a noticeable feature of the breed, as well as the muscular appearance.  

How big is the Miniature Pinscher?

Miniature Pinschers grow to between 25-30 cm, with both males and females coming in at the same size, securing them as a toy breed.  

How heavy is a Miniature Pinscher?

Again, both sexes come in at the same weight, which can be between 3.6-4.5 kg.  

What Colour is the Miniature Pinscher?

You can find Miniature Pinscher puppies in an all-over red, black and tan, chocolate and tan, or even blue and tan in colour.


Do Miniature Pinschers make good guard dogs?

Despite their size, a Miniature Pinscher makes a good watch dog, being fearless and alert. They are loyal to their family, so you can expect them to defend your household and warn you of any dangers.  

Do Miniature Pinschers bark a lot?

Miniature Pinschers have a reputation for being barkers. It's recommended that they're enrolled in training classes unless you have lots of experience behind you and can take a firm hand in personal training. Early socialisation with other people and animals is a good start in keeping barking to a minimum.  

Are Miniature Pinschers easy to train?

They are an incredibly intelligent breed which makes them ideal for training. However, they can quickly become dominant and demanding if the power balance isn't made clear. As they are such quick learners, they can quickly pick up bad behaviours as well as good ones if proper training isn't applied.  

Are Miniature Pinschers playful? 

They are a very energetic breed that needs lots of mental stimulation and loves to play.  Puppies will be the most playful, with older dogs calming down.  

Are Miniature Pinschers good with children?

It's often recommended that toy dogs are housed with older children who can be gentle with them. They can get snappy if play gets too loud or rough. That being said, with proper training a Miniature Pinscher can get on with well-behaved children and other animals in a household.  

Are Miniature Pinschers good with other pets?

As they were bred to catch rats, the Miniature Pinscher has a chasing instinct, so it's important to keep this in mind when housing them with other animals. Once again, proper training is the best way to ensure that everyone in a household gets along. When dealing with animals outside of the home, such as other dogs or livestock, it's always advised to keep a Miniature Pinscher on a lead.  

Can I leave a Miniature Pinscher Alone?

As they're intelligent they need a high level of mental stimulation, so leaving them alone all day could result in destructive behaviours due to boredom. Similarly, they are notoriously hard to housetrain, so this can be an issue when you're not there to supervise. They also form strong bonds with their family, so won't be happy if they're apart from the pack for too long.  

Do Miniature Pinschers like water?

Miniature Pinschers enjoy swimming and water. However, it's advised to keep them on a lead around large bodies of water or dangerous situations as they might jump in and get stuck.  


How long do Miniature Pinschers live?  

If you get a Miniature Pinscher puppy you can expect them to live to between 10 and 15 years.  

How much exercise does a Miniature Pinscher need?

Miniature Pinscher puppies will love to get out and about with you. It's important that they get a daily walk, as although they engage well in play, that alone isn't enough to satisfy them.  

What are Miniature Pinschers Common health issues?

Miniature Pinschers aren't known to have a long list of ailments, but it is still important to keep an eye on their wellbeing. Things to look out for include:
  • Obesity
  • Eye issues
  • Joint problems


How much space do I need for a Miniature Pinscher?  

When bringing home a Miniature Pinscher it's important to puppy-proof your home and garden as they are boisterous and adventurous. With enough stimulation and exercise, many Miniature Pinscher puppies do well in an apartment or smaller home.  

What should I feed my Miniature Pinscher?

The Miniature Pinscher fares well on high-quality dog food split into two small meals a day, usually at about 1/2 cup or a full cup of kibble. Activity level is an important factor, so try to match the amount it eats to its daily exercise.  

How much grooming do Miniature Pinschers need?

Luckily the sleek coat doesn't take much care to keep it looking great. Regular baths can dry out the fur, so instead brush them and smooth with a damp cloth. Nails should be trimmed around once a month, and you can wipe eyes with a damp cloth.  

Do Miniature Pinschers shed?

Thanks to the short coat, Miniature Pinschers aren't a breed that sheds a lot.  

Average costs  

How much does it cost to keep a Miniature Pinscher?

As a rough guide in pricing: Cost to buy: roughly £600-£1000 for a well-bred Miniature Pinscher puppy Food, insurance: £20-£50 per month  

Specific Buying Guide

You can read our general buying guide here (/advice-on-buying-a-puppy/), with the most important thing being going to view your Miniature Pinscher Puppy, seeing it with its mother, and checking the quality of the breeder. More specifically, here is some Miniature Pinschers puppy buying advice:
  1. As with buying any puppies, beware of scams and make sure there are no hidden costs. Miniature Pinschers are a popular brand in the UK, so there are many amateur breeders that won't care about the welfare of the puppy. Be aware that a dam can only produce 4 litters.
  Other reading, Adopting Miniature PinscherPuppies and Rescue Organisations A big thank you to the following sources who helped to shape this article: